Discover Your True Legal Rights & Make it Almost Impossible For Governments to Take Advantage of You
Join former lawyer, accountant and ATO auditor, Warren Black for this brand new 13-week course that shows you how to legally protect yourself from oppressive mandates, debts you’re struggling to pay and unlawful harassment
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13-Week Schedule
Week | Title | What You’ll Learn |
1 | Introduction to Common Law & Its Principles |
2 | Government Statutes, Regulations, Licences |
3 | Legal Notices |
4 | Government Mandates |
5 | Personal Fines |
6 | Bullying & Harassment |
7 | Local Councils |
8 | Private Regulatory Boards & Licensing |
9 | Personal Debts |
10 | Business Debts |
11 | Privacy, Going Dark |
12 | Practical Workshop |
13 | Conclusion |
Why Attend?
The world has gone mad.
I’m not going to get into detail because I think you already know what I’m talking about…
The last few years have made you realize just how vulnerable you are to the system and government coercion.
And more recently – Director’s ID.
It’s shown the insane direction the world is moving towards where everything we do is controlled by someone else.
The scary part is we’re only starting.
Soon, it’s going to get very, VERY ugly.
And the brutal truth is most people will give in.
Even some of the people who were strong enough to resist the jab pressure.
Why do I say this?
All of these crazy events happening in the world are symptoms of a MUCH grimmer problem.
That’s the fact that for centuries we’ve been completely disempowered as a society.
Or getting to the root, disempowered as individuals.
You probably were raised in a dysfunctional family where you often felt like the black sheep growing up.
You probably even got bullied in school or in your workplace.
No one really understood you because you could see through the bullsh*t of the system even if you didn’t consciously realise it.
And because of this, people would harass you and try to make you feel small.
Now … every time a mandate gets announced, it makes you feel that same feeling of being small.
(I totally understand because growing up I faced very similar issues which I was forced to overcome).
And now you’re just wanting a solution to fix it so you’re empowered and able to make your own choices.
But the hard reality is there’s so many freedom groups out there giving you false information which has made it hard for you to believe what’s true and what’s not.
More than likely, it’s made you feel completely overwhelmed …. or more worried than before.
All you want is to know how to STAND UP for yourself, protect you and your hard-earned money from governments and be confident enough to use your voice.
And as a bonus, not give a sh*t what anyone thinks of you.
Does that sound about right?
If it does, then this 13-week course is what you want to find all the answers you’re looking for and become fully empowered to stand up for yourself.
Warren Black will be sharing from his 30+ years of experience as a lawyer, financial planner, tax specialist, activist and sovereignty teacher to show you how to work
around the system by knowing your legal rights.
(See more below for the full schedule and what you’ll learn)
Click below to enrol!
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Warren Black
Warren Black is a former lawyer, accountant and ATO auditor turned sovereignty mentor. The last 30 years, he’s helped thousands of people to legally slash their taxes from greedy governments, protect their assets from potential danger and move offshore for global freedom.
Warren has spent years in underground movements working with spies, CIA operatives, government officials learning the hidden secrets of the world, every conspiracy under the sun, how the whole system functions, and more.
Now, Warren knows the system inside-out and helps people to become sovereign using a balanced approach from his legal knowledge.
After discovering his legal rights, Warren took on governments, speeding fines, parking fines in court and won nearly every time. He was personally visited by the cops after winning too many cases against governments! Warren has been audited 7 times to date (including a famous case by the Panama Papers in 2016 involving moving money offshore) and has been clean every time!
The way Warren sees being sovereign is like Neo from the Matrix. You’re able to enter and exit the matrix at will by understanding how to reap the benefits of both the public and private arena.
These days, Warren spends the majority of his time in philanthropic work because in his own words, his drive is to “empower as many individuals as possible” and win back freedom in our country.
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